Welcome to Erin, our first-ever Administrative Assistant! Hi, I’m Erin (She/Her). I relocated to Michigan from Southern California with my spouse and two children in 2017. We love the seasons here, but miss the beach! I volunteer at the Delonis Center and am a Girl Scout Troop Leader, soccer coach and 4H parent. My work history is in the nonprofit and public sectors as my passion is to make the world a better place by serving others and living as Christ taught us. FedUp Ministries is truly making an impact in the community and I am excited to be a part of it!
We are also excited to have Glenn joining our kitchen staff. He is a regular from our God & Grub services, who has already been such a huge help in the kitchen, prepping food, and serving meals. He jumped in right when we needed help with our new family meal program! We are so grateful and looking forward to continuing to work with him!